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  • Outside terrace of Bistro Berlage Amsterdam
  • Bistro Berlage Amsterdam interior
  • Bistro Berlage couple eating on the terrace

Bistro Berlage

The enthusiastic team wishes you a very warm welcome in Bistro Berlage. This new style bistro serves modern classics with a Dutch touch for lunch, drinks and dinner. This approach is also reflected in the elegant interior that combines authentic, historic elements with a modern look. There is a large island bar in the middle of the bistro that’s a perfect spot to enjoy a drink. Bistro Berlage is ready for the future at this iconic location with a rich history.

So – are you looking for a restaurant in the historic heart of Amsterdam, within walking distance of Central Station and Dam Square? With a beautiful wide and sunny terrace? Look no further – Bistro Berlage is the restaurant you are looking for!

Modern, locally sourced classics

In this new style Bistro, contemporary classics for lunch and dinner are served with a Dutch touch. The food reflects the rich history of the stock exchange building and its place in Amsterdam. The ingredients, many of which are grown locally, are supplied fresh daily and prepared with care and attention. We can hardly wait to serve you the new dishes from our menu. How about a sandwich pulled pork with chimichurrie and pickles during lunch? Or delicious flammkuchen with zucchini, artichoke and Gruyère during the afternoon? Oooohh and our mouths are watering just by thinking of a delicious sustainably caught tuna steak with pearl barley, cherry tomato, red onion and olives! What are you waiting for?

Bistro Berlage's history

Bistro Berlage is located in the former main entrance of the commodity exchange of the Beurs van Berlage. This monument of trade was designed by H.P. Berlage and was opened in 1903 by Queen Wilhelmina. Behind this beautiful building is a wealth of historical events. Not only were the stock exchange, the shippers’ trade exchange, the corn exchange and the commodity exchange here at the beginning of the last century – but did you know, for example, that Crown Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima used the entrance to the Bistro in 2012 to walk into the Grote Zaal where they got married? Or that the Berlagezaal, which is directly above the Bistro, was originally the meeting room of the Chamber of Commerce and Factories and was also specially designed for them? Read more about our history.

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