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  • Zeedijk Amsterdam
  • Buddhist Temple Zeedijk Amsterdam
  • Best sandwich of Amsterdam: Broodje Zeedijk


The Zeedijk was built in the late 13th century to protect Amsterdam from the countless floods that ravaged the city. The Zeedijk protected against the treacherous waters of the IJ and the Zuiderzee. This protection helped Amsterdam to develop into an important port and trading city. The dike is still visible, 700 years after construction. De Zeedijk is known for its authentic buildings, original and restored facades and it is also part of Chinatown. You will find special shops, lunchrooms and restaurants. Visit the only Buddhist Temple in Amsterdam (free entrance). At Butchery Vet you can get a Broodje Zeedijk, the tastiest sandwich of Amsterdam. A must try!

Wooden house from 1546

The houses in Amsterdam used to be made of wood. As you can imagine, most of these houses were destroyed in the course of time. Only two of these old wooden houses have been preserved. One is located at Begijnhof and one on Zeedijk; you can find it on number 1. It was built between 1546 and 1550. It used to be an inn called In 't Aepjen, where sailors sought their entertainment. Nowadays you can still enjoy a drink in an historic atmosphere.

Lively Zeedijk

Every August, the Hartjesdagen are celebrated on the Zeedijk, with the race on high heels and the neighbourhood breakfast. The annual herring party in June is very populair and during the Red Light Jazz festival in June you can enjoy live jazz in many places. Michael and Diana from Café ZILT welcome lovers of specialty beers and whiskey. For a liqueur, good glass of wine or another drink among locals you are more than welcome at Café De Roode Laars. After that, you are probably in the mood to end the evening with a karaoke adventure at Casablanca Music.

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