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RecordFriend Elpees

RecordFriend Elpees is a palace for lovers of gramophone records with over 30.000 new and second-hand records in almost all genres. The range varies from classic, Hip Hop, Jazz to Folk. Every record lover will find a great vinyl record for sure. Also LP players, elements, covers, needles and cleaning supplies can be found here. Truly the best record specialist of the country! 

Purchasing your records

RecordFriend Elpees is always looking for beautiful collections of second-hand LP's and singles. They also buy used equipment from the better brands including Linn, Thorens, Garrard and Technics. Collections can be offered at the store seven days a week from noon to 6pm or appointments can be made at the Shell Station Kriterion S114, so you do not have to go into the city centre. For collections from 400 pieces and more, an employees is happy to visit you.

News letter

Monthly news (in Dutch)